EVENT PHOTOS - Apple and Pumpkin Festival 2016


This was a success with 278 adults and children attending and made £403 for the garden.


The sun shone and it was good to see the garden so busy.


Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund we were able to have a talk by Peter May from Brighton Permaculture and the Community Chef who made some tasty food.


The homemade pumpkin soup proved very popular and all sold out. The BWGA Chefs made in excess of 15 litres of soup from the pumpkins grown in the garden.


Greenway Fruit Farm brought locally grown apples and pears for sale and kindly donated some for pressing the juice from.


We hired an apple press from Bung Ho to demonstrate an old skill and enjoyed freshly squeezed apple and pear juice that was delicious.


Children enjoyed the pumpkin carving and art activities.


The pumpkin seeds we use are from the previous years crop. Some pictures in the below slide show. Seeds must be well washed and dried.


Thanks to all who supported the event.