On Sunday 14th December 2014 between 11am and 1pm for members a celebration with shared lunch & drinks.
The many events that the Bohemia Walled Garden Association held this year were done with the help and cooperation of the Hastings Park Rangers. With the weather being so unreliable, it was considered essential to have a marquee for each event. Fortunately, this need was recognised by the Sussex Gardens Trust. SGT's aim is to 'encourage the protection, conservation and evolution of our local garden heritage' through researching and recording it, sharing that knowledge and offering small grants.' The BWGA received a £1,000 toward the purchase of a large marquee. Please see the BWGA website (www.bohemiawga.weebly.com) for information about the aims and activities of this local community project. For further description of SGT activities and membership, see their website (www.sussexgardenstrust.org) or email vchinze@aol.com
They are currently running a project in Hastings, in partnership with the Hastings Borough Council, researching sites of historic interest for potential local listing.
We would also like to thank HBC Rangers for all their support.